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            NFC Set-up Instructions
Congratulations upon your purchase of our ejewelled Horoscope NFC jewellery collection.
You do not need to download any app, Just simply tap your Horoscope symbol on the ring with
your smartphone or Tablet and receive customized audio, video and live content.
While listening on your device, you may scroll down to view  a range of interactive content. As time goes by we will be adding more exciting features to enhance your experience.



  • Connect to the Internet via Wi-Fi or through your Carrier.
  • Make sure that your device is equipped with Near Field Communication (NFC).  Refer to your Smartphone manual or check with your carrier.  Alternately, you may go to here for a comprehensive list of NFC-enabled phones and tablets. (Please note Apple products require software updates, Contact us at and we will send you a special link so that you may also enjoy our NFC jewelry.) 
  • Depending upon the device that you use, look for the NFC setting in either Setting Menu, Connect and Share, Wireless or Network Set-up, Click on the phrase, "More..., and then turn NFC on . If you have S Beam on your phone also turn that on. If you don't see an option for NFC on your phone's Wireless or Network Settings screen, then it would appear that your device doesn't support NFC.
  • Touch or place your Smartphone against the jewelry, and you will be connected via the internet to the ejewelled Network Portal.


                                                                                       Enjoy !


watch nfc phone set up video

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